Parking Area Adjustments at 6811 NE Emerson St and 5300 NE Cully Blvd

Portland Permitting & Development opened public input for a developer request for adjustments to setbacks and parking requirements in order to build more off-street parking for the proposed redevelopment of the Villa De Clara Vista Apartments at 5300 NE Cully Blvd. The developer plans to build 108 income-restricted apartments and 36 off-street parking spaces on this site.

The current land use decision only concerns the developer’s requested adjustments to setbacks and parking requirements. The city is not deciding whether the developer can build apartments on this site. If the city approves the adjustments, it will allow the developer to keep the original plan of 36 off-street spaces.

For the requested adjustments to landscaping buffers, the developer proposes alternate landscaping proposals for screening and tree canopy rather than proposing no landscaping.

View full details of Land Use Notice (PDF)

The developer requests the following adjustments:

  • Increase maximum building setback from the west (NE Cully Blvd.) lot line from 20 feet to 429 feet (Zoning Code Section 33.120.220.C.1).

  • Increase the maximum percentage of the site area that can be asphalt vehicle area from 15% to 21.1% (Zoning Code Section 33.266.130.C.4.a.2).

  • Waive the requirement for a 5-foot-wide, L3 (high screen) perimeter landscaping buffer on the north side of Parking Lot A (Zoning Code Section 33.266.130.G.2.d.2).

  • Waive the requirement for a 5-foot-wide, L2 (low screen) perimeter landscaping buffer on the north side of Parking Lot B (Zoning Code Section 33.266.130.G.2.d.1).

Cully Association of Neighbors and individuals may submit input. To share your feedback or questions with CAN, please email Zach Powers, Transportation and Land Use Chair. You may also submit feedback directly to Portland Permitting & Development using the contact info in the land use notice.

Bureau of Development Services can only consider input related to the approval criteria for this decision:


The City of Portland: Introduction to the Budget Sessions in District 2


Portland Parks Winter Schedule Registration Starts Jan 16th 9:30am