Cully Neighborhood Gathering Feb 11th 2025, 6:30 – 8pm

Time: Tuesday, February 11, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm (Meet n’ Greet 6pm-6:30pm)

Location: Grace Presbyterian Church - 6025 NE Prescott St, Portland, OR 97218
(Enter from the parking lot on the east side of the building)

Zoom: Meeting ID: 892 9705 9428 Passcode: 795423 Join Zoom

Meet Councilor Kanal and Elect a CAN Chair

Please join the Cully Association of Neighbors for our February 2024 Neighborhood Gathering. For this hybrid meeting, join on Zoom or in person at Grace Presbyterian Church. For in person, enter from the parking lot on the east side of the building.


This month's gathering includes a raffle for a $25 gift certificate to a local business. So arrive before 6:30 to get your free raffle ticket!

Meet Your District 2 City Councilor

Sameer Kanal, one of the three city councilors representing Cully, will join us to talk about his priorities for Portland and District 2. Please come with your questions for Councilor Kanal.

Board Chair Election

At the February gathering, we'll hold a special election for a new board chair. Aaron Filipowsky, the current CAN treasurer, is running to fill the board's vacant chair position. This special election is for the remainder of the current term for chair, which lasts until CAN's regular election in April.

New CAN Website

CAN has a new, modernized website coming soon. We'll preview the updated website and get your feedback on the work in progress.

Neighborhood Yard Sale

We'll discuss how Cully could host a neighborhood-wide yard/garage sale and how you can participate. Paul Leistner of the Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association and Dave Weaver of the Kerns Neighborhood Associationwill share their ideas and experience for neighborhood sales.

Arrive at 6:00 pm for meet and greet with your neighbors and CAN board members. The official gathering starts at 6:30 pm. We look forward to seeing you!

Meeting Agenda

Full Agenda Document - This agenda is a draft, and it may change up until the members approve the agenda during the gathering.


PBOT Traffic Advisory: Installation of safety improvements on NE Marine Drive


East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District: FREE workshops