January 10, 2017
Cully Association of Neighbors General Membership Meeting Grace Presbyterian Church 6025 NE Prescott, Portland, Oregon
Board Members in Attendance: Laura Young, David Sweet, Chris Browne, Tristan Markwell, Alma Velazquez, Oscar Moreno Gilson and Julie Granger.
Welcome an Introductions: Members were welcomed and board members introduced themselves.
Approval of Agenda: Minutes for approval are from December 2016 not 2017; Andrew Aebi, speaker, rescheduled to March, add discussion on Cully Clean up. David Sweet moved to approve the amended agenda, second by Marilee Dea. Motion approved.
Acceptance of General Meeting Minutes Taken December 13, 2016. Bob Granger moved to accept the minutes, second by David Sweet. Motion approved.
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes Taken December 20, 2016: Mention on last page needs ‘ed’. Alma Velazquez moved to accept the minutes as corrected, second by David Sweet. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Tristan gave report because Oscar had not yet arrived at the meeting. Mid year report:
7/1/16 – 12/31/16: Income $5,464.72; Expenses $5728.61; Bank Balance 12/31/16 $29,273.29. Marilee Dea moved to accept treasurer’s report, second by Bob Granger. Motion approved.
Guest Speakers:
Andrew Aebi, from PDOT was unable to attend but will present at the March meeting to talk about the NE 47th LID. It was asked if this project included the 42-47th Ave bridge. It is not included in this LID but it is included in the approved major project plan, which is the highest priority project, and will be funded in 1 to 10 years. If money is available next year they would like to add it next year to the list. The fact that it is a ‘designated truck route’ is helpful.
Interest in these projects was expressed. Could more information be put on the website?
Tyler Bump, a senior planner at Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, presented on Inclusionary Housing: In March 2016, the Oregon State Legislature passed Senate Bill 1533 which permits cities and counties to adopt land use regulations or impose conditions for approval of permits to require affordable housing of up to 20 percent of units in multi-family structures in exchange for one or more developer incentives that are identified in SB 1533. In addition to the inclusion rate cap of 20 percent of units in a project, SB 1533 creates a project size threshold of 20 or more multi-family units and income level restrictions of a mandatory inclusionary housing program for 80 percent or higher Median Family Income (MFI).
Mixed Use Zones Mandatory Inclusionary Requirement: 20% of Units at 80% Area Median Income Incentives:
• Density Bonus
• 10 Year Property Tax Exemption on Affordable Units
• CET Exemption on Affordable Units
• Density Bonus Units Exempt from Parking Requirements
Deeper Affordability Option: 10% of Units at 60% Area Median Income Incentives:
• Density Bonus
• 10 Year Property Tax Exemption on Affordable Units
• CET Exemption on Affordable Units
• Density Bonus Units Exempt from Parking Requirements
• SDC Waivers on Affordable Units
Over the next 20 years the projected need is for a total of 123,000 new housing units with 20,000 that are affordable.
An affordable commercial space program is also in the works.
More information can be found at: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/621866
Cully Cleanup; There will be a meeting Feb 6th from 6 to 8 pm at CNN regarding neighborhood cleanup events including all the required forms. Jessica and Laura will attend meeting. There was a discussion to determine if we would again hold a cleanup as it requires a tremendous amount of preparation and day of work power. Cully cleanup is typically the most successful fundraising event but we need to do it smarter and with less work. Past lead workers are unable to take lead this year.
Laura reported that Cully Blvd Alliance (CBA) wants to sponsor an event in Cully and they are willing to have Jessica Jazdzewski lead the cleanup and the money made from the cleanup will go to CAN; Jessica is a veteran cleanup manager and has the tools to do the job. Bob Granger moved that Cully have the cleanup on April 15th and that it is led by Jessica Jazdzewski, second by Tristan Markwell. Motion carried.
Letter to Commissioner Saltzman: David Sweet presented a letter to Commissioner Saltzman, who is the new commissioner over the Bureau of Transportation. The letter reiterates positions Cully has put forth in the three letters to the former Commissioner over the Bureau. Tristan Markwell moved that we send this letter since it is substantively the same as previous letters, second by Bob Granger. It was suggested that the median island be lit/have a flashing light. Cully wants to be involved when it gets to the designed level. Motion carried.
CNN awarded 4 grants of $3000 each. There is a new police captain for the Cully area.
Transportation and Land Use: Next meeting January 17th 4779 NE Going; Buyer of a one acre lot on NE Going will attend to talk about the goals and intentions for developing that property. Normandy Apartments across the street from Oak Leaf on Killingsworth has a new owner who just raised rent $600/month per unit. Many residents have kids at Rigler and say they may need to move. An e-blast with more info about this will be sent out. A meeting to discuss the situation is planned.
Deadline for CAN mini grant applications is 5 pm Jan 30, 2017.
New Business: Chris reported that a meeting regarding the building and content of the new CAN website was held Jan 5th. A new member Maya Victorine, who has a lot of website building expertise, committed to help. A draft survey about website content will be brought to the February CAN general membership meeting. It will also contain questions about locations of CAN general and committee meetings.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Chris Browne, seconded Erwin Bergman. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted by Julie Granger