CAN Board Meeting
September 25th, 2018
In attendance: Mac, Jake, Isha, Laura, Stephanie,

Action Items:
Mac to contact Chris Browne about getting website access
Laura to follow-up with Sandra about communication grant.

Parking Lot Items:
-End of agenda – new business

Public Comment: Heard from Laura of the Arbor Mobile Home Park that she is requesting a letter of support or endorsement for her to retain her manager position at the Arbor if or when her park transfers ownership.

Sandra L. from CNN: Telling us about grants available. CNN Land-use, transportation, housing, meet and greet at Laguanittas Community Room.

Laura nominates Claire Alyea to be be the CAN representative to CNN. Stephanie seconds the motion. All vote in favor (quorum of 5). Contact info:; 971-352-2238

Board discussion on letter to Irwin regarding official status and authority relating to CAN. Wording was adjusted slightly and Mac makes a motion to approve and send the letter. Jake seconds. All in favor (quorum of 5)